"Graus" of Montsant

Graus de Montsant, Montsant Parc natural, Rutes Senderisme

The singularity of Serra de Montsant lies in the originality of its relief that rises a rough block and apparently inaccessible. Most of the accesses to "Serra Major" are what we call and know as "graus", because are some places where you have to overcome the gap through a step or a pace with difficulty.

Accessing to "Serra Major" we can visit landmarks, walking by ravines and awesome gullies and enjoying the stunning view of the plants and animals and the geological forms that characterize Montsant.

Many of this "graus" are part of the itineraries that the Natural Park promotes and their starting point is the villages that are at the feet of Montsant (between parenthesis you can find the level of difficulty):

  • Grau Gran, Albarca (low)
  • Grau del Tomaset o del Montsant, Cornudella (low)
  • Grau dels Tres Esglaons, Cornudella (medium)